Query-Ausdruck auf Metadaten
/* Query expression applied to metadata
This example uses a query expression to produce a list of all
properties of a give type.
using System;
using System.Linq;
public class A7 {
public static void Main() {
Type t = typeof(System.Collections.ArrayList);
var result =
from p in t.GetProperties()
where p.DeclaringType == t
select new { p.Name, Type = p.PropertyType.Name, p.CanRead, p.CanWrite };
Console.WriteLine("Properties of type " + t.Name);
foreach (var property in result) {
" " +
property.Type + " " +
property.Name + " { " +
(property.CanRead ? "get;" : "") +
(property.CanWrite ? " set;" : "") + " };"