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Question: Which software engineering principles are supported by C#? How does this language help in the development of large software systems?


  • Type-safety. C# is a type-safe language, which means that the compiler checks the correct usage of types in expressions, assigments and method calls (also across class and component boundaries). In the development of large software systems this helps to detect errors early (i.e. at compilation time) instead of at run time during testing. This significally reduces the software development and maintenance costs.

  • Data abstraction. C# allows programmers to combine data and operations to objects. The interfaces of these objects can be kept simple; any complexities can be hidden behind the interface inside the implementation of the objects (information hiding). This helps in the development of large software systems because it allows developers to structure their data and operations and to keep the interfaces between objects small. Modifications to the software are therefore kept local most of the time. This helps to reduce maintenance costs.

  • Object-orientation. This is the next step beyond data abstraction. Objects (consisting of data and methods) are instances of classes that can be organized in type hierarchies. A class can inherit code from another class. This speeds up software development: only those parts of a subclass have to be implemented that cannot be inherited from its base class. Interface types can be used to define the method protocol that a certain type should support. All classes that implement this interface are guaranteed to support these methods. Dynamic binding makes it possible to work with variables without knowing the run-time type of the object that is stored in this variable. As long as the static type of the variable supports a certain method, the method can be invoked on this variable, and the object that is stored in this variable will respond. Object-orientation is important for making large software systems extensible.

  • Component-based programming. .NET assemblies are components that are used via their interfaces. They are stored in binary form as DLL or EXE files and can be dynamically loaded. Assemblies can be separately deployed and replaced with new versions on demand. Since assemblies also contain metadata (i.e. type information) they can by inspected and manipulated at run time using reflection. This makes it possible to configure a system of components at run time using a builder tool.

  • Exception handling. This is a feature that is available in most modern programming languages. It allows programmers to keep the normal (error-free) program logic separate from error-handling code. Exceptions can be thrown in one method and caught (i.e. handled) in one of the callers. The CLR makes sure that an exception that is not handled causes the program to terminate so that errors cannot go undetected. Large programs rely on this technique to handle all possible errors in a systematic way.

  • Threading. C# supports light-weight parallel processes. Several activities in a program can be executed concurrently without blocking each other. The access to common data can be guarded with lock statements which are an implementation of the well-known monitor concept. Threading is especially useful for the implementation of user interfaces and servers.